Welcome to TinyTails TV! Also known as TinyTailStudios, or, my real name, Keira! This is the home of psychotic characters and existential dread!
My videos are not for children. They may use Littlest Pet Shop toys as representations of my characters, however my videos will often depict disturbing topics such as death, abuse, drug use, alcohol use, etc.
-My Socials;
-What do you record with?
I record with a Canon Rebel T3/EOS 600D.
-What do you use to edit?
I use Adobe Premiere Pro for most videos or VideoStar for music videos and MEPs!
-How old are you?
I'm 19! My birthday is September 26th. Yes, I'm also BRITISH!
-How many LPS do you have?
I have 253 LPS!
-Who drew your PFP?
I commissioned stellabooxx on instagram to draw it! Check her out ;)
© Tinytailstudios 2017-2025