DSP Productions (AKA DHEESPII) A British comedy / vlog YouTube channel established in 2006, inspired by The Amanda Show.
Based in the UK
PATREON: patreon.com/dspproductions
Past Honours for DSP:
#2 - Most Viewed-This Month-Comedians
#80 - Most Viewed-All Time-Comedians
#20 - Most Viewed-Today-C-Global
#10 - Most Subs-This Week-Partners
#9 - Most Viewed-Today-Comedians
#23 - Most Viewed-This Week- Comedy
#59 - Most Viewed-Today-Partners
#21 - Most Rated-Today-Entertainment
#27 - Most Subs-This Week-Comedians
#37 - Most Subs-This Month-Comedians
#1 - Top Trending - Reddit