Welcome to the YP℠ Featured Advertisers YouTube Channel! Browse through profile videos of unique local businesses that provide one-of-a-kind products, spectacular locations, quality service and customer relationships that only local businesses can offer.
We've sent professional filmmakers to locations across the U.S. to create custom-made, unique profile videos for local businesses. The resulting videos are a mix of personalities and specialties ranging from specialized attorneys to a chef's signature dish at your favorite restaurant!
Welcome to the YP℠ Featured Advertisers YouTube Channel! Browse through profile videos of unique local businesses that provide one-of-a-kind products, spectacular locations, quality service and customer relationships that only local businesses can offer.
We've sent professional filmmakers to locations across the U.S. to create custom-made, unique profile videos for local businesses. The resulting videos are a mix of personalities and specialties ranging from specialized attorneys to a chef's signature dish at your favorite restaurant!