Toonsmyth Productions is the home of Goku vs Everybody, Ultimate Cartoon Fighting, and all your favorite cartoons!
SHIRTS are now available!
For those of you who write asking what programs I use: I mainly use Adobe FLASH for the animation. Any painted backgrounds are done in ProCreate Painter 7.0, and 3D elements are done with 3D Studio Max.
5-10-11 - Lil' Coco Adventures is featured as a bumper on tbs CONAN
8-4-11 - The Flaming C Adventures is featured as a bumper on tbs CONAN
2-9-12 - Tom Hardy mentions Dark Knight Rises Sneak Preview cartoon in an interview with MTV Movie News
7-25-12 - Union Pacific Contest Entry wins 2nd place
3-31-13 - Toonsmyth Productions joins Collective Digital Studios