A World Adventure and His Pipe
I have forded waist deep crocodile and hippo infested rivers, stared down angry pythons, almost bumped into a wild bull elephant while walking through the bush (within 5 feet), and passed through villages where the only clothing consisted of leaves tied around the waist (that is, if they were wearing anything at all). I’ve faced down the demon-possessed, jumped from an out control horse & buggy, had machine-guns pointed at me, driven over 3,000 miles in a buggy pulled by two horses, preached at a Brazilian drug-lord’s son’s birthday party, witnessed to a group of black-market gun dealers (while they were in the middle of a sale), lived seven years in a Mayan Indian village, braved many swarms of killer bees, and explored ancient Mayan caves. I’ve run from a yellow hooded-cobra while it ran from me, been chased by baboons, seen more fer-de-lances than I cared to, forded flooded rivers, had malaria so many times that I sometimes think that I am Theodore ..
A World Adventure and His Pipe
I have forded waist deep crocodile and hippo infested rivers, stared down angry pythons, almost bumped into a wild bull elephant while walking through the bush (within 5 feet), and passed through villages where the only clothing consisted of leaves tied around the waist (that is, if they were wearing anything at all). I’ve faced down the demon-possessed, jumped from an out control horse & buggy, had machine-guns pointed at me, driven over 3,000 miles in a buggy pulled by two horses, preached at a Brazilian drug-lord’s son’s birthday party, witnessed to a group of black-market gun dealers (while they were in the middle of a sale), lived seven years in a Mayan Indian village, braved many swarms of killer bees, and explored ancient Mayan caves. I’ve run from a yellow hooded-cobra while it ran from me, been chased by baboons, seen more fer-de-lances than I cared to, forded flooded rivers, had malaria so many times that I sometimes think that I am Theodore ..