Furious and Fat Cat is an adult animated series created by K.L. Reeves. After taking different paths in life, two childhood best friends, one a former Wall Street playboy, the other a virginal, video game loving former Correctional Officer, reunite as roommates on the South Side of Chicago where it all began. Now in their 20’s, they learn to live together and navigate life's ups and downs.
1. Homecoming
2. Sick Day
3. County Blues
4. Been Around the World
5. O.G. Baba Wasi, Scrabble Master
All episodes are written and produced by K.L. Reeves and Pierre Sutton Jr. for Griot Gang Entertainment, LLC.
Furious and Fat Cat is an adult animated series created by K.L. Reeves. After taking different paths in life, two childhood best friends, one a former Wall Street playboy, the other a virginal, video game loving former Correctional Officer, reunite as roommates on the South Side of Chicago where it all began. Now in their 20’s, they learn to live together and navigate life's ups and downs.
1. Homecoming
2. Sick Day
3. County Blues
4. Been Around the World
5. O.G. Baba Wasi, Scrabble Master
All episodes are written and produced by K.L. Reeves and Pierre Sutton Jr. for Griot Gang Entertainment, LLC.