in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Sleeping postures, Do you like this kind of cat?
After winter is coming, the weather is getting more cold every day. My cat boy feels cold, we take its coat on it for keeping its warmth. However, he likes to get together with us. For example, we get warmer from warm electric device or bed, he will stay with us, he always need accompany and need us whatever he stays in bed or hug him on my legs. He is feeling very safety and cosy like a baby who need parents stays with him.
各种睡觉姿势,像一个小孩子,需要父母的陪伴。 需要一种安全感,他就能睡得很踏实,很安稳。你家的小祖宗也是这样的吗?
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Sunshine , tiny stones , tree net house, hot pink flowers on the wall, ducks and gooses plays in the pool and a shadow of me under the sunshine, quite sunny with warmth in the winter.
捕捉到的一些小瞬间,分享给大家。 只是个人视角拍摄和记录。
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Beautiful Day!
Egg with soya milk for breakfast, Chinese noodles for lunch.
Doudou always gives us surprises per day!
Enjoy the DIY arts from an old man with high-experienced weaving skills.
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#White Radish# Vegetable Bao# Vegetable Dumplings#Green bean soya milk
Life is simple, only you can try to step forward, to experience, to do easy sth by yourself, to love around of your life. Life is becoming not boring but interesting.
自家种的白萝卜,腌一个晚上,一个白天,打包到冰箱冷藏起来。 嘎嘣脆。 小白第一次做包子,馒头和饺子,没卖相,只管饱。 配上一杯自家的毛豆🫛豆浆。 也算是一顿美味的早餐了。
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Hey, a full of busy day!
The vegetables are soaked into boiled water, keeping them for one night. Today's lunch time, cooking them mixed with Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, taste quite nice. Lol, this is my cat, always with its expression and its pose.
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How to make your life get more slowly but not boring? Try to find sth in your childhood and do sth what you like in your childhood. This is the red layer from the pomelo that is made of yellow skin and red flesh. The images show that the layer between from the peel of pomelo and red flesh. The soap layer can be diced into pieces and soaked in the water bowl with some salt for 1 hour to remove its bitter juice. Finally wing the water out and dry them on the sunshine for 2-3 days. Likes image 3, that is ok. This process need more patience, so when you focus on one thing, you can make yourself calm down and life is getting slowly.
如何让自己生活节奏慢下来又不太无聊呢? 尝试找到一些你从小时候喜欢做的事情,比如像晒柚子芯这种事情,从去皮到晾干的过程,需要很多耐心和专注它。然后你会变得安静下来,生活也就慢慢地变慢脚步了。
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Thanks for all arrangements, l can be taken two months leave from Nov 1 to Dec 31, it makes me so relaxed after out of work. If you also keep working for a long time, your body needs load down burdens and make your life lower and lower, make a simple breakfast for your family.
月(11月1号到12月31号)。 远离工作后,让我感到非常的放松😎。如果你也工作很长一段时间,没有得到好好休息,你的身体需要卸下负重,让你的生活慢下来,再慢下来,为家人做一顿简单的早餐吧!
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I love you,you love me. Take our cut cat boy whose name Doujin to travel around. That is perfect!