The purpose of this channel is to offer the teachings of Samael Aun Weor in their purest form, that can be used in meditation to deepen ones experience of the teachings. The Buddha Maitreya of this current age of Aquarius - Master Samael Aun Weor, stated many times that we can only deeply comprehend things in meditation. So the aim then is to help the listener to deeply comprehend these teachings while in meditation.
In the case that you, the listener, do not have YouTube premiums feature to lock your phone while listening to these videos, or if it ever happened that we lost access to the internet, all recordings have been saved in MP3 format on my Google Drive so that it can be easily downloaded, allowing you to listen to them offline. Please click the link at the bottom.
If you would like to help us in our endeavour to build a small space to spread the light of gnosis, please click the donate link below for more in-depth information.
May it be virtuous,
Inverential peace.
The purpose of this channel is to offer the teachings of Samael Aun Weor in their purest form, that can be used in meditation to deepen ones experience of the teachings. The Buddha Maitreya of this current age of Aquarius - Master Samael Aun Weor, stated many times that we can only deeply comprehend things in meditation. So the aim then is to help the listener to deeply comprehend these teachings while in meditation.
In the case that you, the listener, do not have YouTube premiums feature to lock your phone while listening to these videos, or if it ever happened that we lost access to the internet, all recordings have been saved in MP3 format on my Google Drive so that it can be easily downloaded, allowing you to listen to them offline. Please click the link at the bottom.
If you would like to help us in our endeavour to build a small space to spread the light of gnosis, please click the donate link below for more in-depth information.
May it be virtuous,
Inverential peace.