Welcome to (leoluo66) LuoYunxi.FanClub! 🦁x🐇
DONATE PAYPAL: lavanhi38@gmail.com
请订阅我们的频道,一起支持罗云熙(Leo Luo)吧!💕
官方粉丝名为 罗狮粉,意为“Leo狮子粉”,由罗云熙本人在2019年《COSMO》数字杂志中形象化为“小兔子”。我们是来自世界各地的粉丝,热爱分享他的精彩之处!
Please subscribe to our channel and support Luo Yunxi (Leo Luo) together!💕
Known officially as Luoshifen 罗狮粉 which translates to "Fans of Leo Lion" and visualised by Luo Yunxi himself as "bunnies" in the 2019 edition of COSMO digital magazine, we are fans from all over the world who love to share how amazing he is! This channel uploads subbed interviews (turn on CC), endorsements, official content, and fan-made MVs. Check out our playlists for more information!