Hello there, my nickname on YouTube was originally Filou13, then NamajnaG, but I am now commonly known as Naramgamjan.
On this channel, you will mostly see speedruns, high scores and anything related to mid/high level video game play, whether it be 1LC/1CC or other masochistic challenges. It's really all you can expect nowadays from me.
Most of the older videos on this channel are not worth viewing much, but feel free to browse. This channel was started when I was a teenager, therefore a lot of the older videos are trash.
Hello there, my nickname on YouTube was originally Filou13, then NamajnaG, but I am now commonly known as Naramgamjan.
On this channel, you will mostly see speedruns, high scores and anything related to mid/high level video game play, whether it be 1LC/1CC or other masochistic challenges. It's really all you can expect nowadays from me.
Most of the older videos on this channel are not worth viewing much, but feel free to browse. This channel was started when I was a teenager, therefore a lot of the older videos are trash.