Witness Confident is the charity that works to refresh the Criminal Justice System so it better serves the public.
Our goal is to reduce the levels of crime in and fear across society. Our view is that
a) victims will not report crime if they lack confidence in the justice system,
b) witnesses will not help if the police make them unwelcome, and
c) criminals will not be deterred if the courts treat them with more respect than they treat those who suffer and witness their crimes.
To us, it's self evident.
Witness Confident is the charity that works to refresh the Criminal Justice System so it better serves the public.
Our goal is to reduce the levels of crime in and fear across society. Our view is that
a) victims will not report crime if they lack confidence in the justice system,
b) witnesses will not help if the police make them unwelcome, and
c) criminals will not be deterred if the courts treat them with more respect than they treat those who suffer and witness their crimes.
To us, it's self evident.