Catalyst Talks: The Life Giving Podcast & The Daily Dose: Extracting the Medicine
Bridging ancient intelligence with modern wisdom to activate our future potential -here on earth now this life giving podcast shares conversations with awakened leaders sparking deep inquiry into who we are, why are we here, what is our real purpose, what is higher purpose, and how can we harmonize with the higher energies of mother earth and the cosmos at this time to usher in a new evolution of ourselves and humanity.
Listen in for some meaning making medicine...
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Catalyst Talks: The Life Giving Podcast & The Daily Dose: Extracting the Medicine
Bridging ancient intelligence with modern wisdom to activate our future potential -here on earth now this life giving podcast shares conversations with awakened leaders sparking deep inquiry into who we are, why are we here, what is our real purpose, what is higher purpose, and how can we harmonize with the higher energies of mother earth and the cosmos at this time to usher in a new evolution of ourselves and humanity.
Listen in for some meaning making medicine...
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▶︎ SOCIAL MEDIA | @stephanietrager
#meaningmaking #leadership #nature #holographic #multidimensional #raisethefrequencey #vibe #catalysttalks #catalysttalkspodcast #stephanietrager #thoughtleaders #coaching #coach #medicinewoman