Growing up my family and I enjoyed the RV Lifestyle! We got started because traveling with 3 dogs was never easy... either the hotels wouldn't allow pets, or we couldn't find a pet sitter!
My passion for RVing was a natural continuation to my first job, which was at our family business, Beckley's RV's in Thurmont, MD! I started washing campers when I was just 13 years old.
After graduating highschool at 18 years old. I started full time as a salesperson. Pretty quickly it was clear that this was the job for me! Conversing with people, solving their problems, creating memories and having fun while doing it!
At 24 years old, I've helped thousands of people buy an RV (and even showed each person how to use it too)
And now, that's why I'm doing these videos, to educate and entertain people about the information I've learned from some of the most knowledgeable people in the RV industry!
Subscribe for a new Video Every Tuesday and Thursday!