When your in-laws help with your garden, it becomes a conundrum. Clive gets help (whether he wants it or not) from Jason and Colleen every week.
Together we tackle questions like: What is that? Did you plant that? What don't deer eat? Is that dead? How many plants can we fit in there? Is there room for car repairs? Where are the snippers? Did you close the gate so Snowy can't get out?
Clive, Jason and Colleen try to grow food, mostly garlic, and pretty flowers so they can smash a tea at the end of a good gardening day while they admire their work.
The garden is Clive's - but all the family, even Adam and Michael, work on it and have fun in Oak Bay, Victoria, BC Canada. The map says we are zone 9b, but we're not convinced - it's not that hot!
We always keep Deb in our hearts.