Ashley Hawkins is a school librarian working in Brooklyn, NY. She is married to Matthew Hawkins, video game expert and archivist. Ashley has a BS in English Language Arts Education from UCF, and an MA in English Literature from the Bread Loaf School of English as well as an MSLIS from Pratt Institute. Previously, she has been a copyeditor and regional editor for various publications.
My goal is to help librarians in the US understand the medium a little better and make more educated purchasing decisions. This came after several of my peers asked me to do something along these lines, because they felt various levels of anxiety and confusion as non-readers of manga.
The goal of this blog is to provide information. I myself am very liberal in my purchasing of manga, and really just work to make sure there’s nothing present that is offensive or explicit. My reviews are tailored to give as much information about the texts as possible to inform the decisions school librarians make.