Accepting the teaching of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that, "the scripture cannot be broken," (John 10:35) we believe that the bible must be interpreted both line upon line (exegetically) and precept upon precept (systematically) in order to be rightly divided. Any theology that ignores one or the other is either self-contradictory "plain-meaningism" or baseless philosophy.
Additional commentary on various topics is available at
Accepting the teaching of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that, "the scripture cannot be broken," (John 10:35) we believe that the bible must be interpreted both line upon line (exegetically) and precept upon precept (systematically) in order to be rightly divided. Any theology that ignores one or the other is either self-contradictory "plain-meaningism" or baseless philosophy.
Additional commentary on various topics is available at