On This channel I’m Posting my knowledge and wisdom for people that are lost and to help people wake up out of the matrix. I’m here to teach so called blacks, native Americans, Hispanics that they are the true children of the most high god who name is YAHAWAH . YAH sent his only begotten son Yahawashi HAMASHAYACH who the world ignorantly calls Yahawah HAMASHAYACH. I’m also here to teach true followers of The Most high YAH knowledge and wisdom so you won’t perish. One important fact I’m not a YouTuber/TikToker I’m just a guy who uploads videos about Yahweh, Yahshua and the truth about what’s going on in this world so my people the Israelites and strangers that follow the god of Israel Yahweh won’t perish. Look at me as a guy who just speaks the truth 🙏🏽 amzn.to/3QFKvNb