Hey so I guess I never put anything here until 10/23/2020 but I'm just a small gaming channel who loves to make gameplay videos and troll the idiots of the internet; my pronouns are "The Correct Person In The Argument/Victim" (There's only 2 Genders)
Im the 1st person to play and beat 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft (in and out of the beta) and I hold the world's Highest average accuracy and damage in CODM BR (to my knowledge)
If you're interested in a channel that tries to keep things as real as they come with maximum transparency and people who don't get offended over words then hey, check out the channel and maybe hit that subscribe button, with Susan Wojcicki trying to turn this into "SusanTube" and her dislike on gaming channels and transparency in general it makes it hard
Oh and PS for any new ppl that see my raging videos, ppl in my stream loved it when I raged hella hard after I kept it 💯 and didn't censor myself; so enjoy those if you like rages
And yeah fuck it
Clash on!!