Hello, my name is China. I am a professional lip sync artists I'm also a cook. I'm a entertainer Also My hope is to take you on this journey with me And you might get to see my new fiance And meeting his family for the very first time
There is a lot more. I will love to share with you. As I stepped into this new chapter of my life. There will be a lot more that will be revealed. On this journey so stay tuned my hopes is to entertain hopefully I can bring some joy to you I've been a performer since I was 18 years old I've been lip syncing for over 25 years I will be bringing bigger and better lip sync performance but right now I have my channel will bring lip sync performance live cooking show and also I will be bringing my character back Mama luda if you want to check my mother out you can check her out on this channel please share look at Mama Luna videos my cooking videos and I love you all so much please subscribe share and like and please comment love you all