This latest installment of YouTube's Living Legends series is a double dose, featuring two of the greatest rappers of all time. These reigning members of hip-hop royalty represent both East and West coast styles and two very different voices in the genre's past, present and future: Public Enemy guiding force, Chuck D., and the one and only Cardozar Calvin Broadus Jr., better known to the world as Snoop Dogg.
Right now check out Chuck D's answers to your questions and stay tuned for Snoop Dogg's responses!
This latest installment of YouTube's Living Legends series is a double dose, featuring two of the greatest rappers of all time. These reigning members of hip-hop royalty represent both East and West coast styles and two very different voices in the genre's past, present and future: Public Enemy guiding force, Chuck D., and the one and only Cardozar Calvin Broadus Jr., better known to the world as Snoop Dogg.
Right now check out Chuck D's answers to your questions and stay tuned for Snoop Dogg's responses!