My name is Steven Williams. I am a fitness enthusiast, supplement connoisseur, personal trainer, and am competing in my first NPC Men's Physique Competition this November. Over the past 3 years, I've transformed my body from an out of shape couch potato into the best shape of my life. Throughout my transformation, I've learned workout and nutritional techniques to achieve my current physique. I've also realized that I improved the fastest when I had my Mind, Body and Soul dedicated to the same cause.
My name is Steven Williams. I am a fitness enthusiast, supplement connoisseur, personal trainer, and am competing in my first NPC Men's Physique Competition this November. Over the past 3 years, I've transformed my body from an out of shape couch potato into the best shape of my life. Throughout my transformation, I've learned workout and nutritional techniques to achieve my current physique. I've also realized that I improved the fastest when I had my Mind, Body and Soul dedicated to the same cause.