Hey This is Diptesh K Deshmukh My Channel is all about Trekking Travel Adventures, Photography and Cinematography
I'm a Travel Filmmaker based out Pune Maharashta Passion for Storytelling
My motive is to explore more Paces and discover new destinations
instagram: killekathapravas
Facbook : Diptesh K Deshmukh
Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHtCyX0eXz0xj-0d-9Rh2Q
Hey This is Diptesh K Deshmukh My Channel is all about Trekking Travel Adventures, Photography and Cinematography
I'm a Travel Filmmaker based out Pune Maharashta Passion for Storytelling
My motive is to explore more Paces and discover new destinations
instagram: killekathapravas
Facbook : Diptesh K Deshmukh
Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHtCyX0eXz0xj-0d-9Rh2Q