Welcome to my channel, The Teacher Schooled You! I am a lifelong gaming fan and my channel features video game play from enjoyable moments I have had while playing games. Many of them will be instances in which I, the teacher, has "schooled" someone in a multiplayer match online or clips of game play that I wanted to share with someone, such as trophy hunting guides or secrets in games. I enjoy trophy hunting and I play almost every genre of games that is out on the market. If you were to ask me if I was a "Sony or Nintendo fanboy" I would have to say I am a gaming fanboy. I have had wonderful gaming experiences throughout my life on all sorts of gaming machines! To me, games are sacred and meant to bring enjoyment. I will play anything with a joystick and a button! Thanks for watching my channel and being a fan. I hope you get much enjoyment as I grow this channel! Until next time, Happy Gaming! - Jr... the teacher who will school you in the classroom and on the game!
Welcome to my channel, The Teacher Schooled You! I am a lifelong gaming fan and my channel features video game play from enjoyable moments I have had while playing games. Many of them will be instances in which I, the teacher, has "schooled" someone in a multiplayer match online or clips of game play that I wanted to share with someone, such as trophy hunting guides or secrets in games. I enjoy trophy hunting and I play almost every genre of games that is out on the market. If you were to ask me if I was a "Sony or Nintendo fanboy" I would have to say I am a gaming fanboy. I have had wonderful gaming experiences throughout my life on all sorts of gaming machines! To me, games are sacred and meant to bring enjoyment. I will play anything with a joystick and a button! Thanks for watching my channel and being a fan. I hope you get much enjoyment as I grow this channel! Until next time, Happy Gaming! - Jr... the teacher who will school you in the classroom and on the game!