Welcome to our channel!
Here you can view demonstration videos of Wing Chun Kung Fu club, tutorials and everything generally related to martial arts.
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a modern mixed system, the core of which is Wing Chun style. It includes such directions as:
- 'Shatoon' Babitsin russian style;
- Slavic-Goretsky wrestling;
-Wing Revolution (Sifu Victor Gutiérrez)
"Kung Fu is a hunt for a force that cannot be caught, you can only let it through your heart and change."
© Sifu Kolmykov
Communicating on the channel follow simple rules:
1. Mat not to be expressed.
2. Do not assert yourself at our expense.
3. Justify your opinion with your videos, not theory.
4. For us the result is more important than beautiful theory.