Initially, for my eyes only, my Channel was born to document my journey from never having been afloat in a sailing dinghy, to, well, where I am now!
A very slow learning curve, but fun, frustrating, scary, and trilling. Sometimes all in the same day!
Sadly, a pending knee replacement operation has put a halt to the sailing at the moment. Had it not been for COVID-19, the operation would have probably been done, and I’d be back on the water.
I’m still able to ride a motorcycle, which has been a passion of mine since leaving school, and joining the Army, without too much knee pain. So, I thought I’d put up a few Videos showing my Bike Life. Thanks for watching, even if you’ve stumbled upon me by accident. I’m never going to complete with the MotoVloggers on YouTube, but hey, ITS JUST FOR FUN ....RIGHT!