This is about my gacha life and reaction videos for my gacha life videos will sometimes be 13+ or not..Midoriya wose born in the same timeline as Endeavor they wore childhood friends once they turned 14 Midoriya got in a car crash and died and become a Robot went to his timeline and is short and how he died as a teenager and Midoriya and all.might or brothers.... Marinette is Tsuyu she wose Born in Japan *think got the city wrong* wen she turned 13 she went to school changed her name since she got bullied as a child and died her hair and loved with her grandparents since her family those she didn't have her quirk but she is a late bloomer and she got her quirk at 17 moves back to Japen Livea with who family now loves her brother and talls him everything....Dobi *I think I got his name wrong too* wose born with Endeavors wife he didn't like and he wose a abusive father Midoriya wose a ghost and took care of him and started calling him Mommy and Dobi took him as a real mother