Blue Heaven Vidyalaya, a co educational school for Classes I to XII, was established in July 1988 by Chairperson Smt. Ragini Singh in SFS, Mansarovar with 7 students and one teaching hand. The total population of Mansarovar at that time was not even a few hundreds.
With time, the school grew with children coming from various parts of Jaipur. The school was initially affiliated to Rajasthan Board and subsequently got CBSE affiliation in the year 2008.
Year of establishment of school is 1990. The school got NOC from Rajasthan Government on 29th September,1999 under NOC No. 14 (8) education – 1/99 Dt. 9/07/1999.
The school is governed by Ram Raj Educational Society since 9th of January 1990.