Farwest Corrosion Control is an industry leader in comprehensive cathodic protection (CP) and corrosion control solutions that include products, engineering and installation.
As a distributor and manufacturer, we provide coatings, isolation equipment, CP anodes, junction and bond boxes, power supplies, test stations, instrumentation, inspection tools, and other specialty products. Engineering services include system design solutions, CP field surveys, system testing, monitoring & troubleshooting, technical consultation, project oversight and product design. Our experienced installation teams work on CP system installations, system abandonment, grounding & AC mitigation systems, system maintenance, repairs and project planning.
Farwest Corrosion HQ: 12029 Regentview Avenue, Downey, CA 90241
888-532-7937 FarwestCorrosion.com
Los Angeles | Bakersfield | San Francisco | Seattle | Denver |Arizona | Tulsa | Houston | Chicago | Philadelphia
A Women-Owner Business Enterprise (WBE)