HI all and welcome.
Living in the city and homesteading with gardening and canning, dehydrating and prepping. Also product reviews on what l purchase for the homestead. Knitting and anything to do with needles.
After 27 years in one company this is were l am now. Becoming disabled had held me back and l need help to get things done. Between the fibro and a broken arm that is being held together with scare tissue and using a walker, and many health issues.
Children have moved away and my husband passed away in 2011, so it is just me. l can hire some help for some of what l need well when funds are ok. You all know how that is...
Zone 5b Ontario
Come along with me and we will get things done. lt might take a while, but lets get started.
Don't let anyone say you cannot do it, cause you can.
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Until we meet again, take care , stay safe and warm.