Hi. I make youtube video gaming videos on youtube video sharing site, youtube. I started out with gameplay post-commentaries, but these days I'm mostly a Let's Player. I'm primarily a PC gamer but all of my Let's Plays right now are console games. Go figure.
If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is either poorly worded, vaguely insulting youtube comments or unfunny memes.
Q: PC specs?
A: i7 3770k, GTX 670, 16GB Corsair Vegeance RAM, 650W Corsair PSU, 1TB WD Primary HDD, 2x 1.5TB WD Storage HDDs.
Q: What do you use to record?
A: Lots of different stuff. Dxtory, OBS, Livegamer cap card. Depends on the game. I use a Blue Snowball mic.
Q: Wait, you're 25 and you still play pokemon?
A: If you think people get too old to play certain games you're 12 and no one cares what you think.
Q: Why are you a raccoon?
A: I'm awake at night and have dark rings around my eyes. Also, I live in a trash can.
Q: What is your favorite pokemon?
A: Shut up.
Hi. I make youtube video gaming videos on youtube video sharing site, youtube. I started out with gameplay post-commentaries, but these days I'm mostly a Let's Player. I'm primarily a PC gamer but all of my Let's Plays right now are console games. Go figure.
If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is either poorly worded, vaguely insulting youtube comments or unfunny memes.
Q: PC specs?
A: i7 3770k, GTX 670, 16GB Corsair Vegeance RAM, 650W Corsair PSU, 1TB WD Primary HDD, 2x 1.5TB WD Storage HDDs.
Q: What do you use to record?
A: Lots of different stuff. Dxtory, OBS, Livegamer cap card. Depends on the game. I use a Blue Snowball mic.
Q: Wait, you're 25 and you still play pokemon?
A: If you think people get too old to play certain games you're 12 and no one cares what you think.
Q: Why are you a raccoon?
A: I'm awake at night and have dark rings around my eyes. Also, I live in a trash can.
Q: What is your favorite pokemon?
A: Shut up.