圆圆的脸、顿号眼圈、翘翘的鼻子、蕾丝小白袜,毛茸茸的,胖嘟嘟的特别漂亮,大熊猫和花是个有韧劲惹人喜欢的小仙女。和花自2020年7月4日出生以来以她的漂亮可爱软萌的样貌和时而乖巧时而调皮捣蛋的行为迷倒全世界喜欢熊猫的人。在这个频道我想与大家分享更多和花的视频,与真正喜欢和花的网友一起见证和花的成长。 欢迎所有和花真粉的留言,黑粉请绕道,我会删除所有黑粉留言。如果你喜欢我的频道,请点赞、订阅和分享。
The round face, comma shape eyes, and short legs with white lace socks, fluffy, chubby and very beautiful, HeHua is a tenacious and adorable panda baby. Since she was born on July 4, 2020, HeHua has fascinated panda-lovers all over the world with her beautiful, cute appearance and sometimes well-behaved and sometimes mischievous behaviour. In this channel, I want to share more HeHua videos, and follow HeHua's grow-up with you who really love HeHua. Welcome all the comments from real fans, haters please abstain, I will delete all the hater’s comments.
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