Welcome to Spiritual Combat 101-The Art of Spiritual Warfare! Here you will find everything spiritual warfare related. Each video is gear to help you gain a better understanding and equip you to fight spiritual battles and gain victory. But you first need the covering of the blood of Jesus and have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you to gain victory.
Accept Jesus first. Prayer below.
Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner and I acknowledge all my sins against you. Forgive me for my sins. I turn my back on my sins and I renounce and reject every spirit that has me bound and break myself loose from their evil influence and stronghold. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and that God the father raised him on the third day. I now surrender my life and my will to your purpose for me being here on earth and thank you for the Holy –Spirit you have placed inside of me sealing me to the father who will guide me into my divine destiny. Please come now into my heart and be my Saviour. Amen