2022 Update. I have been working on 5 more small boats. Rangeley lakes rowboat, Washington County peapod, Lincolnville Salmon wherry, Gartside 16 lugger, and a decked canoe based on the Wee Lassie II. I will be filming all of my boats ~18, when I'm done. Thanks for everyone's patience while I complete them.
Here are the wooden boats that I have built over the years, and the methods and techniques used to build them. The Mahogany Cruiser 32 is an adaptation of the William Hand Jr. design of the Katherine 30. It has been styled after Lake Union Dreamboat designs of Seattle Washington with a 60hp Mercury in a well.
Other designs: Selway Fisher Blackswan 22, strip plank, Selway Fisher Ptarmigan 17 glued lapstrake plywood, Handy Billy 21 cold molded 3 ply, the Atkin Willy Winship that has been now converted to a fishing skiff. Further boats include the Iain Oughtred MacGregor sailing canoe, and the Wee Lassie strip planked canoes. Enjoy and please leave your comments below.