Who is Katrin Prentice
Katrin is recognized as one of the globe’s most innovative and influential coaches who have gone above and beyond to provide expert training and support to clients and for two consecutive years receives the award for “Leading Coach of Bulgaria”.
Katrin is the First Accredited Master Coach in Bulgaria, and one of the firs in Eastern Europe, with over +4,000 hrs. experience as a life, executive, and corporate coach. Member of the #NobleManhattan Coaching Quality Compliance Board.
As co-founder of Palitri International ltd T/A Noble Manhattan Coaching Master Distributor, Katrin has contributed in an outstanding way to the development of the coaching industry in Europe-CE/Balkans. Many of the leading names in the business and coaching community have been shaped by her influence, mentoring, and training. europe-ce.net/supervised-coaching-masterclass/
#noblemanhattancoaching #accreditedcoachtraining #noblemanhattancoachesrock #coachingmasterclass