Welcome to the world of 1814DREADYHEAD
Over 10 1/2 Years ago I ruled YouTube in my own way. I turned a page from 1 follower to over 35,000 followers in less than 5 years.
What made me stand out was my no nonsense approach to the media. We talked about everything not focusing on just 1 thing.
On my page then just as it will be now, everyone was protected. Your voice was heard and no one was allowed to take that away from you.
Same rules apply in my Return.
I am very opinionated strong-minded and stubborn. I am everything that I am supposed to be and I am Unapologetic for who I am nor do I feel the need to explain myself to anyone who does not have the time or take the time to get to know me.
For anyone and all who happened to be in my past, if we had a wonderful relationship you are more than welcome to remain and enjoy, for anyone who left a bad taste in my mouth, I will pray for you.