Robots, chaos, and nostalgia.
Hi and welcome to my channel. I'm a blind robot collector and enthusiast and in this cozy corner of the internet, I will showcase a bunch of different robots that I own as well as my growing animatronics collection that focuses on retro toys from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. My inspiration for this channel is Snoopy, my Aibo ERS7, who is a recurring special guest in my videos, shorts, and audio only podcast episodes.
Other facts about me:
Nickname: Goofy
Age: In my mid 20s
Favourite robots: Aibo, Pleo, Loona, Moflin.
"Robot unicorns": Lovot, Spinoza bear.
Hobbys outside of the robot world: Reading, baking, sound design, creative writing.
General: I have absolute (or perfect pitch) and I have a big passion for analog media. Nothing compares to an audio drama played through a tape or a vinyl record.