呢個頻道專係分享小弟跑步嘅第一身視角影片,特別係路跑比賽嘅片段!你會見到賽道回顧、沿途熱情嘅打氣團、補給站好似水站同急救站,仲有我跑步嘅數據分析~呢個頻道唔係攞嚟賺錢嘅,純粹為咗開心同大家分享跑步嘅樂趣啫!唔好期待咩大製作,小弟唔係跑得好快, 亦都唔算好慢嗰種啦, 純屬「跑步人嘅小確幸」!
如果有興趣睇其他本人9up post, 可以follow ig:
This channel is dedicated to sharing first-person running videos, capturing the excitement of road races I’ve participated in across Hong Kong, Japan, and China. Here, you'll find recaps of race routes, energetic cheer teams, support stations like water and aid stops, and my running stats. It’s all about sharing the joy of running—purely for fun and not for profit!
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/powerkonghk