Hello there, to whoever it may concern: I am Greenbeast1345 and this is my channel. I post: AMV's, Animation and movies here. I love to watch anime, movies and I draw/animate/make films quite a lot.
"hi i am 11 yh i no my channel says im seventern
any way i love animating and naruto" - This was my original "About" that was written when I was 11. Ha!
Hello there, to whoever it may concern: I am Greenbeast1345 and this is my channel. I post: AMV's, Animation and movies here. I love to watch anime, movies and I draw/animate/make films quite a lot.
"hi i am 11 yh i no my channel says im seventern
any way i love animating and naruto" - This was my original "About" that was written when I was 11. Ha!