I usually upload Saturday's @ 9AM PST!
Subscribe to my OTHER channel: bit.ly/bethanygrieve-subscribe
On Bethany G, I post family-friendly videos. I'm known for my gymnastics videos, but also love posting anything else that will entertain people and make them laugh!
Shop my GYMNASTICS LEOTARD company, Bethany's Leotards! www.bethanysleotards.com
SUBSCRIBE → bit.ly/bethanyg-subscribe
Find me on...
INSTAGRAM → instagram.com/bethany_grieve
*My other social medias are listed on my most recent upload*
Some of my favourite videos:
▸ Trip To Jules Leblanc/Bratayley's House → bit.ly/trip-to-bratayleys
▸ Bethany & The Boys (Watch to Laugh) → bit.ly/bethany-and-the-boys
▸ A Gymnast's Story → bit.ly/a-gymnasts-story
▸ Famous YouTubers Roadtrip → bit.ly/famous-youtubers-road-trip
To learn more about me, read the description of my newest upload!