A person who spends too much time watching cool animation on the internet.
I also make sakuga MADs
....so what's a sakuga MAD?
"Sakuga (作画) (lit., 'drawing pictures') is a term used in anime to describe moments in a show or movie when the quality of the animation improves drastically, typically for the sake of making a dramatic point or enlivening the action. It's pronounced SA-ku-ga."- www.liveabout.com/sakuga-animation-in-anime-144807
MAD stands for "Music Anime Douga (douga meaning video)", and it's just another way to say AMV.
I'm not uploading frequently anymore but if I ever release a video it'll come out on the twelfth of the month! (And maybe a bonus short thing on any day of the month ending in 2)
(My profile picture comes from Flip Flapper's OP, and the channel banner/background is from Kill la Kill ED2, in case you were wondering)
A person who spends too much time watching cool animation on the internet.
I also make sakuga MADs
....so what's a sakuga MAD?
"Sakuga (作画) (lit., 'drawing pictures') is a term used in anime to describe moments in a show or movie when the quality of the animation improves drastically, typically for the sake of making a dramatic point or enlivening the action. It's pronounced SA-ku-ga."- www.liveabout.com/sakuga-animation-in-anime-144807
MAD stands for "Music Anime Douga (douga meaning video)", and it's just another way to say AMV.
I'm not uploading frequently anymore but if I ever release a video it'll come out on the twelfth of the month! (And maybe a bonus short thing on any day of the month ending in 2)
(My profile picture comes from Flip Flapper's OP, and the channel banner/background is from Kill la Kill ED2, in case you were wondering)