I live in Northern California I am a writer, poet, lyricist, artist, photographer, amateur videographer. I am also a women's rights and LGBT rights activist (but all human rights interest me).
Also Follow Me On My Online Stores and Sites:
My Zazzle Store: www.zazzle.com/s_d_larch_art
My Art of Where Store: artofwhere.com/artists/sherrie-larch
My RedBubble Store: www.redbubble.com/people/SDLarch
My Vida Store: shopvida.com/collections/sherrie-larch
My Pictorem Store: www.pictorem.com/profile/Sherrie.Larch
My ArtsAdd Store: www.artsadd.com/store/atlantis_seeker_art
My ImageKind Store: Atlantis-Seeker-Art.imagekind.com/
My Facebook Product Page: www.facebook.com/sdlarchart/
My Facebook Art Page: www.facebook.com/sherriedlarch/
My Twitter Art/Product: twitter.com/larchworld
Thoughts of a Butch Lesbian: www.facebook.com/ButchThoughts/