I'm a passionate traveler who have visited many Natural Attractions, Points of Interest etc., including many National Parks. My vlogs have useful tips and tricks, which will help you to get what you need in minimum effort. I like history and different cultures, wish to share my multicultural experience with you. Through my videos, I hope people can get in touch and learn different cultures, can have better understanding with different cultures, can “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and God. Can be a global thinker with multiple perspective.
旅美二十年,尽看兴与衰,从事旅游业,广交天下客。喜欢旅游、人文、历史,关心政治、教育,希望交您这个朋友,跟您聊点儿您感兴趣的事儿。服务理念:“品味虽贵必不敢减物力,细节虽繁必不敢省人工”,做事儿先做人。美国旅游可以找我这个老美国哟!联系微信: lapirate;Email:stanley1004@gmail.com