A is for Arsonist!
B is for Barson!
C is for Commit Arson!
D if for Don’t come near me I’m going to commit Arson!
E is for Every day I get away with Arson!
F is for Favourite word? Mine is Arson!
G is for Gas can lead to fire…Arson!
H is for Harson!
I is for I’m going to commit Arson!
J is for Jarson!
K is for Killing may be the aftermath of Arson!
L is for Let me commit Arson.
M is for More Arson, the merrier!
N is for NEVER stop committing Arson once you’ve started.
O is for Oh my gosh.. You’ve never Arsoned?
P Pokémons commit Arson!
Q is for Question. Is Arson wrong? Yes? Aw..
R is for Rocks can start a fire. Arson! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
T is for Tea is usually hot, so is fire, which is related to Arson!
U is for Umbrellas are often flammable, so don’t put them in the building. Bc Arson!
V is for Vandalism..not as fun as Arson.
W is for Wake up, I just committed Arson!
X is for Xylopharson!
You can’t prove anything. Arson, really?
Zero kill count? It might get higher if you Commit Arson!