Ich sammle Schallplatten (12 inch / Maxi-Singles) wegen ihres Klangs und "Feelings" beim auflegen.
Wenn ich sie gereinigt habe, digitalisiere ich, ohne BĂ€sse oder Höhen hinzuzufĂŒgen.
Das Einzige, was ich mache, ist, den lautesten Teil des Tracks auf â 1 dB zu âmaximierenâ,
damit ich genug Reserve habe, bevor ich ĂŒbersteuere.
Vielen Dank fĂŒr Ihr Zuhören und Ihr Interesse.
Collecting vinyl (12'') because of it's sound and "feeling" while preparing them to play.
When I cleaned them, I digitize without adding bass or treble,
the only thing I do is "maximazing" the loudest part of the track to - 1dB -
so I have enough reserve before clipping.
Thank you very much for listening and for interest.
Good DJs play the tracks you like, very good djs play that tunes you didn't know you would like to !
Myself, ever had been one of the best - and you know that.
But trying to do it best for EVERYBODY, CAN'T work - so you keep the party flowing!
Ich sammle Schallplatten (12 inch / Maxi-Singles) wegen ihres Klangs und "Feelings" beim auflegen.
Wenn ich sie gereinigt habe, digitalisiere ich, ohne BĂ€sse oder Höhen hinzuzufĂŒgen.
Das Einzige, was ich mache, ist, den lautesten Teil des Tracks auf â 1 dB zu âmaximierenâ,
damit ich genug Reserve habe, bevor ich ĂŒbersteuere.
Vielen Dank fĂŒr Ihr Zuhören und Ihr Interesse.
Collecting vinyl (12'') because of it's sound and "feeling" while preparing them to play.
When I cleaned them, I digitize without adding bass or treble,
the only thing I do is "maximazing" the loudest part of the track to - 1dB -
so I have enough reserve before clipping.
Thank you very much for listening and for interest.
Good DJs play the tracks you like, very good djs play that tunes you didn't know you would like to !
Myself, ever had been one of the best - and you know that.
But trying to do it best for EVERYBODY, CAN'T work - so you keep the party flowing!