I sometimes compose or remix music (mainly remix Touhou works).
I'm using Skeb. In this site, you can request me to compose or remix. I'm feeling easy if you refer to music genre when you request.
(Request in this site costs some fee.)
I'm also using Odaibako. In this site, you can request me to compose or remix, but, sometimes I respond later in this site than in Skeb.
(Request in this site is free)
You can request in English although these sites are Japanese sites. Please request with original work's video.
[Terms and conditions of my works]
If you'd like to use my works, please comment on my video (such as "I'd like to use this") and write on your video's credit. You can use by this way to both non-commercial and commercial use.
If you use my works, please do not use video downloading site or software, or recording from my video. Please download from link on my video, use remix on YouTube, or buy my works from link.
I sometimes compose or remix music (mainly remix Touhou works).
I'm using Skeb. In this site, you can request me to compose or remix. I'm feeling easy if you refer to music genre when you request.
(Request in this site costs some fee.)
I'm also using Odaibako. In this site, you can request me to compose or remix, but, sometimes I respond later in this site than in Skeb.
(Request in this site is free)
You can request in English although these sites are Japanese sites. Please request with original work's video.
[Terms and conditions of my works]
If you'd like to use my works, please comment on my video (such as "I'd like to use this") and write on your video's credit. You can use by this way to both non-commercial and commercial use.
If you use my works, please do not use video downloading site or software, or recording from my video. Please download from link on my video, use remix on YouTube, or buy my works from link.