This channel is about marketing India to Indians and at the same time is as Soft Power Tool for India that is Bharat, to be able to communicate to the world, immediate and not so immediate, through the artistic, subjectively objective retinal intake, the process of visualization, assimilation, thought sparking initiation, positive, sustainable and psychologically de-stressing narrative building and breaking by a simple yet important citizen of the world through the doors and windows of Indianess.
- Indian Propaganda ( subjective )
- Genetics of Genres
- Psycholinguistics
- Art
- Travel
- Love !
- CIA = Central Intelligence of the Ashram
------------------------------- PS - batman, superman to HANUMAN !
This channel is about marketing India to Indians and at the same time is as Soft Power Tool for India that is Bharat, to be able to communicate to the world, immediate and not so immediate, through the artistic, subjectively objective retinal intake, the process of visualization, assimilation, thought sparking initiation, positive, sustainable and psychologically de-stressing narrative building and breaking by a simple yet important citizen of the world through the doors and windows of Indianess.
- Indian Propaganda ( subjective )
- Genetics of Genres
- Psycholinguistics
- Art
- Travel
- Love !
- CIA = Central Intelligence of the Ashram
------------------------------- PS - batman, superman to HANUMAN !