Legacy Living. Creating generational wealth through transferring common sense financial knowledge. With the tools to help each other, this platform will inform, educate, advocate, and provide opportunities to realize the greatest version of your financial self. The Business of You is important from the moment you arrive. Your potential creates economies. It’s time to plan, benefit, and realize the vastness of YOUR POSSIBILITIES through wealth awareness. This potential will grow and serve others. Together, we will grow in such a way that the people, projects, and institutions closest to your goals prospers with us now and long after we’re gone. LEGACY LIVING. Embark upon the journey of The Business of You (past, present, and future). On this channel, we’ll talk about finances, credit, business, money management, stewardship, budgeting, estate planning, real estate, credit repair, investing, home ownership, habits (good & bad) and more. SUBSCRIBE AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE COMMUNITY.