Do it fast!” “Do it cheap!” “Get it over with!” “Just get it done!” “Work smarter, not harder.” “Get paid.” Phrases we hear over and over that mean - “Do it as fast as possible, with as little effort as possible, with the minimum commitment needed.” What about “doing it RIGHT”?Do It Right. A three-word phrase represented by three fingers, symbolizing integrity. Integrity in word and action, in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, our country and our world.Do It Right. Taking pride in your work and not cutting corners. Making the time to give encouragement to those around you. Being helpful and generous to those in crisis. Making the correct choice in every challenging decision, instead of the easy choice. Approaching others and the world around you with an open heart.The Do-It-Right logo is a sign of your commitment to sharing inspiration, kindness and love in all that you do, and to all that enter your life. Help spread the message of positive change. Let’s put our three fingers in