This Channel is a tribute to the life and teachings of Hazrath S. Abdul Wahhab, Baqavi, Nagore Shariff,Tamil Nadu, South India, a Hazrath who inspired and transformed countless souls with his wisdom, compassion, and power. This channel shares Untold life of Hazrath that narrates the life and teachings of a spiritual master from the perspective of a disciple or a follower on the basis of below insight.
-The background and early life of the Hazrath, highlighting the events and influences that shaped his or her spiritual quest and mission.
-The miracles and wonders performed by the Hazrath, demonstrating the guru's divine power and grace over nature, matter, and mind.
-The challenges and oppositions faced by the guru, revealing the guru's courage, wisdom, and compassion in dealing with enemies, critics, and difficulties.
-The passing and legacy of the guru, explaining the guru's final instructions, predictions, and blessings for the disciples and the humanity.