Ever since I saw Kelley's Heroes (I was two years old) I been obsessed With German Panzers from WWII. Now being older I'm always trying to read on their tactics and playing games as the Germans. My family and friends think I'm addicted but i promise its a healthy addiction XP
My Content
World of Tanks
World of Warships
Heroes and Generals
Day of Infamy
Red Orchestra 2
Post Scripture
Let Hell Loose
(When more games come out)
Now Running a Discord Channel
Ever since I saw Kelley's Heroes (I was two years old) I been obsessed With German Panzers from WWII. Now being older I'm always trying to read on their tactics and playing games as the Germans. My family and friends think I'm addicted but i promise its a healthy addiction XP
My Content
World of Tanks
World of Warships
Heroes and Generals
Day of Infamy
Red Orchestra 2
Post Scripture
Let Hell Loose
(When more games come out)
Now Running a Discord Channel